Collection Keys
Collection keys are a set of keys that represent the metadata type for a collection, for you to have easier access to the metadata of a collection.
List Key
Here's an example of defining a collection key for a list:
public class ListKeyTest {
public static final MetaListKey<String> LIST_KEY = MetaKey.createList("plugin:list_key", String.class);
public void test() {
MetaStorage storage = MetaStorage.create();
LIST_KEY.add(storage, "Hello, Fairy!");
LIST_KEY.add(storage, "I'm a list!");
List<String> list = storage.get(LIST_KEY);
list.forEach(System.out::print); // Hello, Fairy! I'm a list!
Set Key
Here's an example of defining a collection key for a set:
public class SetKeyTest {
public static final MetaSetKey<String> SET_KEY = MetaKey.createSet("plugin:set_key", String.class);
public void test() {
MetaStorage storage = MetaStorage.create();
SET_KEY.add(storage, "Hello, Fairy!");
SET_KEY.add(storage, "I'm a set!");
SET_KEY.add(storage, "Hello, Fairy!");
Set<String> set = storage.get(SET_KEY);
set.forEach(System.out::print); // Hello, Fairy! I'm a set!
Map Key
Here's an example of defining a collection key for a map:
public class MapKeyTest {
public static final MetaMapKey<String, Integer> MAP_KEY = MetaKey.createMap("plugin:map_key", String.class, Integer.class);
public void test() {
MetaStorage storage = MetaStorage.create();
MAP_KEY.put(storage, "Hello", 1);
MAP_KEY.put(storage, "Fairy", 2);
Map<String, Integer> map = storage.get(MAP_KEY);
map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + ": " + value)); // Hello: 1, Fairy: 2