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If you read the Metadata page, you know you can introduce MetaRegistry to reference MetaStorage instances by the object identifier. But isn't it still a hassle? 🤔 If I want to get the metadata of the player, I need to code a registry, and get the MetaStorage instance from the MetaRegistry, then finally get the metadata from the MetaStorage.

No worries! Fairy has it covered for you! 🎉

Metadata for Minecraft​

Fairy has a built-in metadata system for Minecraft plugins. You can access the metadata of the player, world, entity, blocks etc. predefined registries by Fairy.

With the class, you can access the metadata for anything in Minecraft. Here's an example of using the metadata system in Minecraft:


public class Test {
public void test() {
// Get it directly from MCPlayer / bukkit Player!
MetaStorage bukkitPlayerStorage = MCMetadata.provide(player);

bukkitPlayerStorage.set(MyMetaKeys.MY_KEY, "Hello, Fairy!");

// Or get it from the MCWorld / bukkit World!
MetaStorage bukkitWorldStorage = MCMetadata.provide(world);
// Or MCEntity / bukkit Entity!
MetaStorage bukkitEntityStorage = MCMetadata.provide(entity);
// Or BlockPosition / Block!
MetaStorage bukkitBlockStorage = MCMetadata.provide(block);
// Or from player UUID!
MetaStorage bukkitPlayerStorage = MCMetadata.providePlayer(player.getUniqueID());

And tada! You can access the metadata of the player, world, entity, blocks etc. without the need to code a registry for each object.


The metadata registry won't unregister the metadata when the object is removed from the world. You need to manually remove the metadata from the storage whenever needed.