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Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. In Fairy, metadata is a powerful feature that allows you to define temporary information about an object.

Basic Concept

The entire metadata system has separated to 3 main components:

  • MetaKey: A key that represents the metadata type, it must be pre-defined to read and write metadata.
  • MetaStorage: A storage that stores metadata.
  • MetaRegistry: A registry that stores all MetaStorage instances, it's a key-value pair where the key is the identifier of the object and the value is the MetaStorage.

Now let's break them down.


As said in Basic Concept, MetaKey is a key that represents the metadata type. It must be pre-defined, and you'll need to key instance to read and write from MetaStorage.

Here's an example of defining a MetaKey:


public class MyMetaKeys {
public static final MetaKey<String> MY_KEY = MetaKey.create("plugin:my_key", String.class);

In the example above, we defined a MetaKey with the identifier plugin:my_key and the type String. Now let's see how to use it.


We have the key from the last section, now we need a storage to store the metadata.

Here's an example of using MetaStorage:


public class MyMetaStorage {
private final MetaStorage storage = MetaStorage.create();

public void setMyKey(String value) {
storage.set(MyMetaKeys.MY_KEY, value);

public String getMyKey() {
return storage.get(MyMetaKeys.MY_KEY);

In the example above, we created a MetaStorage instance and set a value to the MetaKey MY_KEY. Then we get the value from the MetaKey MY_KEY. So whenever we called getMyKey(), it will return the value we set before using setMyKey(value).


Make sure to predefine all MetaKey instances before creating any MetaStorage instance. MetaStorage is designed with arrays, and it will populate with the size of the amount of the MetaKey instances fairy has. If any keys are added after the MetaStorage is created, regrowing the array will be needed, which is not efficient.


We have the key and the storage, now what if we don't have a reference to the storage? That's where MetaRegistry comes in.

Here's an example of using MetaRegistry:


public class MyMetaRegistry {
private final MetaRegistry<UUID> registry = MetaRegistry.create(UUID.class);

// We use bukkit's Player class as an example
public void setMyKey(Player player, String value) {
registry.provide(player.getUniqueID()).set(MyMetaKeys.MY_KEY, value);

public String getMyKey(Player player) {
return registry.provide(player.getUniqueID()).get(MyMetaKeys.MY_KEY);

And tada! We have custom metadata for each players! With Fairy metadata, we saved a lot of hassle to store metadata for each object.

You don't need to do this

If you are Minecraft plugins developer, you don't need to code registries for players, worlds, entities, etc. by your self. We have it covered for you.

Technical Details

Fairy metadata system is designed to be fast and efficient. A lot of environments using tends to be more single thread based architecture, So the system is designed to be extremely fast and efficient for single-thread operations, and similar performance to ConcurrentHashMap for multi-thread operations.


The metadata system is thread-safe, so you don't need to worry about concurrency issues. Accessing metadata from multiple threads is safe and efficient.

Comparison with ConcurrentHashMap

It's 325% faster than ConcurrentHashMap for single-thread operations. And 20% slower than ConcurrentHashMap for multi-thread operations.

Now you know how to use metadata in Fairy! 🎉 But there's more to it, you can also define collection metadata in Fairy. Check out the Collection Metadata page to learn more about it!